
Hello! My name is David Korneliusson, and I'm from Sweden. Currently I'm a college student-athlete at Methodist University in North Carolina, USA. Studying Sport Management to be able to work with a soccer club after college. I play soccer and I enjoy crossfit! In this blog I will write mostly about my life in college and everything that's going on around that. Training will also be a big part. As well as other things like what I think of the future and what I wanna do with my life.


Kategori: Allmänt

I'm back in North Carolina now! The flight took, with waiting time counted around 20 hours and when I was flying from Chicago to Raleigh the plane was delayed one hour beacuse of all the snow. A lot of planes got cancelled because of the snow but lucky me the plane was able to lift. During the time I was waiting in Chicago, where I waited for seven hours, a random guy came up to me, started walking with me and signing to me. It was kind of weird. I think it was some kind of prank or something, I don't know, it was funny though. So during the time I waited in Chicago I basically just read and ate. When I get bored I really feel the urge to eat so I ate like three times while waiting. Now I feel the urge to train.
Arriving in Raleigh, I felt really tired and relieved. Raleigh was my last airport destination so I was waiting for my bag and I was feeling good because of finally being done with all the flights, but my bag didn't come. I went to the lost bag reception/office and they said that it was still in Chicago and had not been shipped yet. I gave them my adress, number and e-mail to contact me when it got to Raleigh and I walked out of there tired as hell. Then I meet up with my friend Sean who I was staying with for the night before we head back to school on Sunday. That made me pumped up because it was such a long time we had seen each other. First thing we did was to go to Cookout haha, it's a reeeeally good fast food restaurant, it's like mcdonalds and burger king but way better. Back at the house, Trevor, which is a good friend too was staying the night as well so that was a lot of fun, plus Andrew, which is Seans younger brother, he's a funny guy.
We woke up around 10 on Sunday and ate breakfast, fooled around a little bit before we went to church, Sean, Trevor, Andrew and me at 11:30. Beacuse my bag hadn't arrived yet, I borrowed clothes from Sean and I got free hands to pick out whatever I wanted haha. If I can I'll post the picture on the comments, beacuse I don't have it available on this device but it looks... different. It's really nice being to church, it's something I never did back in Sweden and basically nobody does it in Sweden. But going to church, singing and praying, feels very good to do. 
The rest of the Sunday was being spent playing frisbee and FIFA before we went back to the school, around five. We got our rooms set up and I found out that my roomate isn't coming back so either I have my own room and pay extra or I take someone in to stay with me. Then we went to eat, buy school supplie and things for the rooms.
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